On the list now are:
848 evo
2006/7 Fireblade
ZX7RR if I could find a decent RRI'd love the MV675 RC but they're hen's teeth and so overpriced https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MV-Agusta-F3-675-Reparto-Corse-03-150-Worldwide-Only-381-miles/184401856562?hash=item2aef350832:g:iqoAAOSwt2lfNp94
I'll keep looking, keep changing my mind, remember that I have three kids to get through university in very quick succession and it'll come to nothing. But just maybe...
Great, which is good of course, but means I'll spend the next few weeks looking at bikes, finances, offloading the Jeep, etc. I guess there are deals to be had in Winter/Autumn.