pinholes in the braze? interesting. i don't know much about brazing. i'm not sure the guy did a great job, but he is pretty well known for paint and frame repair/building.
do you reckon it's just gonna crack again somewhere in that BB region?
I don't wanna call out anyone at all. But that does not look like a good fillet to me.
I am no pro and I haven't had much fail. I just know that if my flame is too hot I get pinholes/craters that looks like that. Also the transistion from fillet to tubes does not look smooth and well filed.
pinholes in the braze? interesting. i don't know much about brazing. i'm not sure the guy did a great job, but he is pretty well known for paint and frame repair/building.
do you reckon it's just gonna crack again somewhere in that BB region?