thanks for the pointers, worked it out from a combination of them and further googling, I am using
Const WHAT_TO_FINDa As String = "Xaxis"
Const WHAT_TO_FINDb As String = "Coefficient"
Set FoundCella = ws.Range("A:A").Find(What:=WHAT_TO_FINDa)
Set FoundCellb = ws.Range("11:11").Find(What:=WHAT_TO_FINDb)
With ws
.Cells(15, FoundCellb.Column).Select
Set selectrange = .Range(.Cells(15, FoundCellb.Column), .Cells(FoundCella.Row, FoundCellb.Column))
End With
thanks for the pointers, worked it out from a combination of them and further googling, I am using