I can never match the numbers I can do outside on the road on a turbo
This seems to be a common issue (with some people being the opposite too), but really it doesn’t matter. So long as your testing is consistent, that’s the only important thing. You just add that missing 5, 10, 15% when riding to power outside.
Yeah, I previously used indoor ftp test values for indoor training only and I have a good grasp on outdoor FTP from years of outdoor training/racing. So it wasn't hard to tweak either as needed. Testing indoors this year only has seen massive peak in lockdown and then steady decline before 12hr then the last one was back up again.
Missus did one yesterday and she's down 15W but I put that down to current life stress more than fitness.
This is true, but I can never match the numbers I can do outside on the road on a turbo. It's definitely not calibration issues - the numbers are within +/- 1% comparing the trainer to the power meter. But outside my FTP is at least 10% higher than it is outdoors. Maybe I need a bigger fan...