Dunce here. Wondering if I have bought the wrong thing.
I have EE broadband, coming into the house via what I call a BT socket. This goes into the EE wifi box thing, into the Broadand hole. From here we get the wifi.
The signal is a bit patchy so based on another thread I've bought a couple of Deco home hub mesh wifi things. Plugged the EE thing into the Deco and using the Deco app I seem to have set up a new WIFI network.
The old network is still present though - surely the new one needs to supercede the old one. Or there will just be wifi all over the place.....?
Somewhere in the EE router web interface there is probably an option to turn WiFi off. Press that and pollute the radio spectrum a little less although if you just delete/forget that SSID in your devices it will have almost the same effect.
Dunce here. Wondering if I have bought the wrong thing.
I have EE broadband, coming into the house via what I call a BT socket. This goes into the EE wifi box thing, into the Broadand hole. From here we get the wifi.
The signal is a bit patchy so based on another thread I've bought a couple of Deco home hub mesh wifi things. Plugged the EE thing into the Deco and using the Deco app I seem to have set up a new WIFI network.
The old network is still present though - surely the new one needs to supercede the old one. Or there will just be wifi all over the place.....?