If you can, this is what I'd do:
Tilt the bars down, and tip the bike so that while the bars are roughly level the bike is tilted back so the rear end is lower than the front. As close to vertical as you can get, really. Install the Shimano bleed cup with fluid in it, hold the lever closed using a strap or elastic band or similar. Leave overnight, giving random bits of the caliper/hose/levers a random tap now and then. If you're really keen, try the tapping with the levers are various angles to the ground, while of course not spilling mineral oil out of the bleed cup onto the ground.
Time is not only a greater healer, but is also jolly handy IME for giving air bubbles the way to make their way to the top of the brake system.
After that's done, give the lever a few sharp flicks to try and dislodge any bubbles stuck in the master cylinder, and then remove the bleed cup and re-level the bars.
And if that doesn't work, I'm all out of ideas other than a vacuum bleed rig.
Rear only. Front seems okay so maybe you’re on the money about loads of air trapped in some odd curve somewhere.