Has anybody ever used a service like Habito Plus? We're about to go through the process of buying somewhere for the first time and are completely clueless so the idea of somebody else orchestrating the moving parts is pretty appealing.
My assumption is that it will end up being more expensive than organising everything separately, but might be less hassle.
Fees don't look much more than doing it separately.
I'm not sure how much hassle they're going to take out of it. You'll still need to make decisions regardless of who you employ. A good solicitor is the main thing you need to make it a bit easier.
Has anybody ever used a service like Habito Plus? We're about to go through the process of buying somewhere for the first time and are completely clueless so the idea of somebody else orchestrating the moving parts is pretty appealing.
My assumption is that it will end up being more expensive than organising everything separately, but might be less hassle.