There are a few main different shapes depending on if they have curve front to back, side to side, or both. There's no real way of knowing if you get on with one type until you try it, be it from buying and returning from a shop, borrowing from friends or doing a saddle fitting at somewhere like Condor or Cadence.
Once you've found what shape roughly works best for you then you can guess which fancy new saddle will work best. For example I like ones that curve front to back but are flat side to side, I used a Romin for a long time so when looking for a new one I went with the Fabric Line Shallow and it feels very similar.
How do you go about looking for a new saddle? I've never had anything other than what came as stock so I don't know any different and i've never had any problems but I just want to change it because bikes.
Buy used on here? Try out a few? Don't bother?