If you are buying a Honda you won't need to know anything about maintenance :)
The Haynes are pretty good. I've always had one for any bike I've owned. These days You Tube videos are a great resource.
A lot depends on how you are going to have to learn. If you have a garage or place off the street it's way more relaxed but no one happens along and tells you about how they would fix it.
Thanks! I've ordered the Haynes generic basics and maintenance techbooks for now.
YouTube videos have me wondering whether its worth finding a cheap and/or dead engine just to take apart and play around with...@lynx - their workhorse status is definitely a huge selling point, and i just think the shaft-drive, boxy frame, and single-sided swing arm are very cool from an engineering perspective. They seem to have been much more popular over in Germany in particular than in the UK for some reason.
Any recommendations for books on basics of bike mechanics/maintenance? Haynes manuals worth a shot?
Did a CBT and had a Honda XL125V for a while a few years ago, but never got round to the full test.
Recently found myself being charmed by the mid-nineties NTV650, but I've next to nothing in the way of technical know-how.