i. All your leads will - initially - have to come from Rightmove / Zoopla / OTM etc. You might be fine with this. It's difficult to tell how much this puts you at a disadvantage. EAs like to big up their 'applicant' lists. They might or might not be worth something.
ii. The one thing that turned me off when looking at PB / Yopla stuff was not being able to view it in the next couple of days at a time that was convenient to me. And I wouldn't return to a place once I got the feeling that the owner was being precious with their time. So be prepared to be available all day every day if you are doing self viewings.
iii. You'll probably have to negotiate yourself. Depends how comfortable you are with this.
iv. You'll need to conduct viewings like a normal EA would do, i.e. impersonally, coldly, impatiently. Anything else is weird. No tea / coffee sit down for a chat nonsense.
Will it put me in a bad place with an ongoing chain?
If you are with PB or Yopla, probably not. If you are with one of the more esoteric - 99 homes I'm looking at you - possibly.
You'll need to conduct viewings like a normal EA would do, i.e. impersonally, coldly, impatiently. Anything else is weird.
A well known estate agent with a big Insta following specialising in modern houses actually offered us a discount on the fee for doing the viewings ourselves because they thought our flat would sell for more/faster if we did them.
You're not selling a flat you're selling a lifestyle etc.
I've had a search but can't find anything. Has anyone on here sold a flat (in London) without an estate agent using Yopa, Iamtheagent.co.uk or similar?
I'm a photographer so I would do the pics anyway and based on two neighbour's recent sales and others currently on the market I have a very good idea of what the place is worth. It's also in a popular area.
From what I can see, the difference is about 5K in commission and I would have to do my own viewings. My partner and I work from home and I'm freelance so I don't think it would be a big issue. Is there something I'm missing? Will it put me in a bad place with an ongoing chain?