Had a crack at screwing the dropped/sagging plasterboard back.
It's dropped a lot more than I realised.
I managed to make a hole while screwing one screw in. Annoying, but it allowed me to have a feel around - the plasterboard is still not dry.
This is now firming in the get someone else in category. So three questions really;
1) if all the ceiling plasterboard is fucked and the ceiling needs to be redone what sort of cost are we talking about - need to weigh up an insurance claim Vs. cash?
2) what sort of trade do I need? It's not strictly plastering is it?
3) any recommendations in the Hertsmere area?
Plasterboard is easy to replace yourself (with a second pair of hands) as long as you haven’t got anything decorative like coving or loads of ceiling lights.
Skimming a ceiling shouldn’t be more than a day’s job.
Had a crack at screwing the dropped/sagging plasterboard back.
It's dropped a lot more than I realised.
I managed to make a hole while screwing one screw in. Annoying, but it allowed me to have a feel around - the plasterboard is still not dry.
This is now firming in the get someone else in category. So three questions really;
1) if all the ceiling plasterboard is fucked and the ceiling needs to be redone what sort of cost are we talking about - need to weigh up an insurance claim Vs. cash?
2) what sort of trade do I need? It's not strictly plastering is it?
3) any recommendations in the Hertsmere area?