That's what I did to get the sleepers out. Don't think I'll get away with that again as one of them lives in London and the other has his own house now. In fact I probably owe him a fair bit of manual labour.
You may be right. I'll not be starting building anything until next summer now, so might just plug away as and when I have the time. Kinda wish I'd been furloughed as I could have had it done by now.
No access. Previously we had two 2x1m raised beds and another massive long one down the right. Were about -1' from grounds level at the deepest on the left there. That's all gone to the allotment now, huge 8x4" sleepers, each bed 2 sleepers high, I think the longest were 2.4m. Yes it's a ball ache, but what ya gonna do. The garden is well shaded by a massive Oak so not sure why the previous owners chose to put those in. The trommel had sped up grading a lot, with another pair of hands to spin it, it would grade the soil as fast as I can shovel it in.