• #2
Drop me a message later to remind me, but I might!
• #3
Cool, message dropping in progress.
• #4
I've got a 26 clamp, looking to change it to 31.8mm. Anyone got spare 31.8 clamps or want to sell a whole 31.8 mount?
• #5
Pretty sure I do bit out of town until at least the weekend. Drop us a message then in case I forget and if you can wait that long.
• #6
Have PMd. Trying to locate one before the weekend that's cheaper than paying Amazon £9.
• #7
Anyone got a pair of 31.8mm adapters knocking about?
• #8
Is this what you trying too do fit a 26mm bar in a 31.8mm stem .I made my own spacers cutting a 40mm piece off 27.2mm seat post and then cutting in half to make a shim . For a rat bike.
1 Attachment
• #9
Klickfix is a mounting system for attaching bags and stuff to handlebars.
• #10
I ordered the 26.0mm clamp by mistake. The lovely people at Rose Bikes are refunding and letting me keep it because it costs less than shipping. So a swap would be good, but if that's no good to anyone I'm still interested in the 31.8mm if you've got one going spare. Ta!