Cheers and @brun
So far as I understand the hdmi to ethernet converter doesn't change the signal at all so it needs to be a dedicated cat6 cable. I was hoping to find some way round that.
There are also coax cables to every room (although weirdly no aerial), I wonder whether I can do anything with those?
I think you can send hdmi over coax, but at not such long lengths as HDMI. Something like these
The guy I did mine with said that coax is laggier than ethernet.
Even Gigabit Ethernet doesn't have the bandwidth to support HDMI once you get to HD quality levels:-
1920 * 1080 * 24bits * 60Hz = 3Gbps
That's why the HDMI over Cat5 stuff takes over the entire cable.
There are also coax cables to every room (although weirdly no aerial)
Most TV boxes (Sky, BT TV, etc) will send the current output over a specific channel on the coax so it can be watched in different rooms by a normal telly. Modern houses are usually wired with this in mind. (You don't need an aerial but the TV boxes will also take an aerial in and add the currently watched channel to the signal so the other tellys get to watch terrestrial/freeview channels or whatever the Sky/BT-TV box is watching).
Fairly sure the answer there is no. we have our TV signal sent over ethernet around the house, and have had to use separate cables from the data.