I have Virgin, the actual service has been very good with very few outages. Their customer service is a bit shit with crappy call centres with limited understanding. Fortunately don't have to deal with them often.
They're also a but sneaky for constant price increases so make sure you get the price fixed.
One of my favourite ever calls was to Virgin getting a cheaper deal.
The dude was Scottish and I think he had a crush on me coz of my accent. He really wanted to go to Oz. Was really bummed he couldn't say 'cunt' while he was telling me about The Big Lez Show because the convos were recorded.
Every time my contract is up I ring up and lock in another 'loyalty' deal.
Any recommendations for fibre broadband ? im at the end of my time with Plusnet (thank God) after 8 or so years
our current house has virgin ready - previous owners had this as does my neighbour - we are literally next to the cabinet if that helps? seen a deal for the M100 package
2 devices and 2 laptops as i work from home most time as does the mrs peroidically to deliver our classess/workshops