• Cs7, Tooting and about, is now peppered with bollards to separate bikes and cars. Not sure why if the boundary of the bike lane is the white line all these new bollards are placed inside the line thus narrowing the bike lane. I think I preferred it before the safety measures

  • Aye, southbound between Balham and Bec stations feels safer in the road with the motor traffic.
    I am not a huge fan of the island that’s been installed at the Ritherdon Road junction, either. Again, southbound seems more hazardous because all traffic is now in one lane - previously you could eyeball which cars might be making that sudden left turn!
    I am a big fan of the temporary calming measures at Glenburnie Rd - which used to be the most dangerous stretch of my daily commute between SW17 and N19. Planters and plastic jersey barriers have calmed the rat run.
