With that job taking slightly more time and energy than i factored in - I was then able to just do a couple of other easy jobs today and figured that a fresher body and mind would be best before starting on the cabling.
So got the bars and seat post in, new cassette installed (11-40), rear derailleur attached and the cranks at least in place (need to search through my parts box for some suitable bolts though.
However - it is feeling light. I am loving the bullmoose bars and cannot wait to get it out on its first spin. Seems like it has been a long time coming!
With that job taking slightly more time and energy than i factored in - I was then able to just do a couple of other easy jobs today and figured that a fresher body and mind would be best before starting on the cabling.
So got the bars and seat post in, new cassette installed (11-40), rear derailleur attached and the cranks at least in place (need to search through my parts box for some suitable bolts though.
However - it is feeling light. I am loving the bullmoose bars and cannot wait to get it out on its first spin. Seems like it has been a long time coming!
1 Attachment