• You're better off digging down 6"/150mm and laying a continuous 4"/100mm bed of concrete. The day after concreting lay out your sandstone pattern with 1cm gaps, cut the areas for planting out with an angle grinder and diamond blade, the concrete will still be soft. Lay the sandstone on a continuous sheet of mortar 1"/25mm thick, this is essential. The stone and mortar will bring you up to the finished level of the dig. Don't forget to put a fall of a degree or so on the concrete to clear water. Allow a ton of concrete per 6 sq. m of surface. Hardcore bases tend to slowly compact and subside, causing the surface to crack. If you want further detail and how to best do the jointing, PM your number and I can give you more detailed advice.

  • Exactly that! Your best bet is to shutter all sides with 4×2 timber set to the correct angles and tamp down the wet concrete with another lump of 4×2.
