Suggestions for best way to solve this problem please. Long edge of bath sits flush against wall, short edge is about 20mm gap down to 0mm. Build up the plaster? It's getting tanked and tiled
Are you planning to tile? We have a similar gap and we're planning to put some tile backing board across it, flush with the edge of the bath not the wall, and pack the wide gap behind it then fill the top of that.
Does it have to be tight up against that wall? Could you pull it away from the wall and build a little shelf, level with the top of the bath, to fill the non-square gap and then tile down to that?
Skim the wall before tiling. You could chase the wall at the tight end if you didn't have the time or materials to skim in the corner. I know you know how to plaster though!
I hope you have batten fixed to the wall under the edges of the bath or plan to install it.
Suggestions for best way to solve this problem please. Long edge of bath sits flush against wall, short edge is about 20mm gap down to 0mm. Build up the plaster? It's getting tanked and tiled
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