You don't need to pay for a broker, there are plenty that don't charge because they all get fees from the lenders anyway. Also not incentivised by certain lenders over others because the fee is fixed and lenders can't offer more. At least that is what we were told (and broker was willing to work with any number of lenders).
Look for a fee free independent broker or try habito for example -
That or being a first time buyer I just need to get used to getting pumped for money at every step?
You will do if you don't know how it all works, sadly. Keep asking questions on here.
In England there are plenty of brokers who get a finders fee from the bank so they won't charge you directly. You can also go direct to the bank, although it's a bit more work to do so.
Maybe in Scotland it's different, maybe not.
Anyone have any recommendations for mortgage brokers & solicitors for buying in and around Edinburgh? I've had ESPC recommended to me before and contact with them has been good so far. Wanted to check what else was out there before I paid £295 (which just to start and get an agreement in principe (although I think this is their total fee) seems steep). That or being a first time buyer I just need to get used to getting pumped for money at every step?