apply a heat-press patch on the inside, prob using the iron from outside, some kind of support on inside (wood offcut)
and then use press studs (Prym + hammer) to re-attach? Possible one in centre, two at corners of strap, inner reinforcement will distribute the load stress. Plus(!) some on other side for when the same happens
Without burning any of the stitch thread, use a lighter to melt off/fuse loose ends, scuzzy patches to prevent them fraying in future
Stitch up a your most convenient place of opening
Just my thoughts but I’d go for this ‘lo-fi enhancement’ rather than trying to make ‘like new‘, and add strength/durability for future.
...if you can
Just my thoughts but I’d go for this ‘lo-fi enhancement’ rather than trying to make ‘like new‘, and add strength/durability for future.