I've had to send those back, as they start to do some really weird things.
As in: anything that weighs 30g is show to weigh 10g, unless you put two of them together, which then shows 60g. Then take one away, in which case it shows 30g.
Weighing a 10g thing and a 20g thing together does show 30g though.
My brain hurts even trying to comprehend that! Thankfully mine have been fine so far, but I'm definitely of the mindset that if I have to replace them once every few years, I can live with that for the cost.
Only reason I bought some recently were because the set I've had for the past 10 years or so are in the office and I haven't been there since March.
If you don't need the timing feature (using watch/phone), just get a regular sub-£10 jewellery scale like the one Sumo posted. I pushed the boat out and went for a fancy one with a calibration weight: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07R1L2MFP
Probably not necessary (it's yet to deviate and need calibration) though