• I've got AA for the UK. Do they do Euro cover? If not, who's a good roadside assist mob to use for EU?

    French toll roads: are they all booths or do they require some kind of electronic device or can I register and pay after using them online or something?

  • AA offer something like 3 days Euro cover free, then you have to pay,it ain't cheap.

    You can get a tag for the péage, but easy enough to whack in a card at each booth if you have a passenger

  • Ok, so they have booths. I drove over with @Dammit years ago for Giro but can't for the life of me remember how the tolls worked.

    I hate AA so I'd rather not give them more money. A workmate used to have his car covered by a German mob that worked out cheaper than using AA in UK but I can't remember what company it was.
