Well, he’s a marketing guy. Why does he get to have a say on nutrition? I would discard him based on that alone.
“It’s also hard to find compelling research suggesting milk is bad for you”
which seem strange given that he can list several links on canola oil. Obviously he is not a PubMed kind of guy.
Yes Oatly is a processed food, but carbohydrates don’t cause diabetes and you don’t get all the sex hormones from oatly that you get from cows milk, nor the saturated fat.
Ideally you should only drink water, but between cows milk and plant based milk, plant based milk always wins from a health perspective.
Thought this was an interesting read. If anything because it made me think about the sugar content more than I have done in the past.
Disclaimer: Don’t know the author and haven’t fact checked / aware if he has an agenda