Am I likely to be able to return a helmet if I order online and it doesn't fit?
I don't see anything specific to helmets or COVID on Wiggle's pages, but it's worth checking the terms for wherever you find the helmet. https://www.wiggle.co.uk/h/option/returns-uk
Keep the tags on and wear it around the house for a few hours to make sure it's not too snug anywhere that might give you a headache after a while.
afaik COVID survives on dry surfaces for 3-7 days (depends what the surface is), so if you're asymptomatic and return the helmet, by the time it gets back to the shop the risk of transmission should be minimal.
Obviously it needs to fit but its unlikely anywhere is going to let me try one on at the moment isn't it? Am I likely to be able to return a helmet if I order online and it doesn't fit? I only need one because I'm possibly going to Dyfi in the next few weeks and thats the same no full-face no ride policy.