Has there been much success at getting one way streets changed back to two way? From what I've read on the local feedback map is that, if anything, there seems to be an appetite for more one way streets. I guess people must assume it's safer as they only have to worry about traffic from one direction?
I think a lot of people look at one way streets and assume it will be half of the traffic compared to a two way street. In reality though there is less conflict so traffic flows more freely so you get more traffic going in one direction (and often faster).
Thanks for this, as I said I'm clueless with regards to how traffic management works so this is extremely helpful.
I wonder if area 2 is so large because of the cemetery and housing estate in the middle? There isn't a lot of through access in that area anyway so maybe making it smaller would have cut certain roads off?
Has there been much success at getting one way streets changed back to two way? From what I've read on the local feedback map is that, if anything, there seems to be an appetite for more one way streets. I guess people must assume it's safer as they only have to worry about traffic from one direction?
Would you say implementing this scheme is worse than leaving things as they are? Obviously you wouldn't look to start a bad scheme but as there is a 6-18 month trial period with feedback after 6, is it a good thing that this is starting and can hopefully be improved on in the future? Or are you of the opinion that it's so bad it'll fail and be scrapped?