I highly recommend the Forsinard road. A nice alternative to what you have could be from Kinbrace to take road to Syre > Altnahara > Crask Inn > Lairg.
Gorgeous roads I've done on some of the North Scotland Audax's
I've ridden the A9 a few times and it isn't bad North of Dornoch
A nice alternative to what you have could be from Kinbrace to take road to Syre > Altnahara > Crask Inn > Lairg
That's a really good suggestion. Would keep me away from the A9 and temptations of trains back to Inverness, plus something to look forward to for the second half, going through the wild, empty interior.
Surprisingly, it is only 1.5km longer, and slightly less climbing: I think I'll do that.
I'm planning to give this a shot in a couple of weeks' time.
Pretty much everything organised is either off or not possible for me this year, so I was looking for some achievement for the year (to top my TCR DNF last year and DNS the year before and IndyPac DNF the year before that - actually I haven't achieved very much in the last 5 years!). So I wondered, what is there in the UK that I've always wanted to do but never got round to, and it took me about half a second to decide it was this.
Train booked to Inverness on the Monday morning (17th) and back on the Friday morning (21st). I only have 3 and a bit days, so will need to press on. Am planning to wild camp: tyring to decide between bivvy, which I'd rather do, and tent, which might be more sensible given rain and midges.
Weather forecast looks reasonable now, but early days.
Am planning to go clockwise as that seems to be best and likely to work best with winds.
I don't fancy the A9 down the East coast, but I would like to do the north coast and check out Dunnet Head / JoG, just to say I've been there, so current plan is to do a 60km out and back to JoG, then go south on the Forsinard road. Everyone says the north coast leg is not worth it so I could cut that leg if behind on time.
Intended route: