This is all really useful info. I probably should have acclimatised - I flew in, went for a coffee, got changed and then went for a 30km run. I've since been up to 3500m and went for a run back at 2500 and I wasn't short of breath as such, just felt like they weren't very good quality breaths, if that makes sense. Sleeping same as ever, if anything better than at home.
I just arrived in a little Tibetan town (still around 2500) so I'll go for a run when the day has cooled down a bit, and will be especially mindful of coordination.
Have a good climb!
This is all really useful info. I probably should have acclimatised - I flew in, went for a coffee, got changed and then went for a 30km run. I've since been up to 3500m and went for a run back at 2500 and I wasn't short of breath as such, just felt like they weren't very good quality breaths, if that makes sense. Sleeping same as ever, if anything better than at home.
I just arrived in a little Tibetan town (still around 2500) so I'll go for a run when the day has cooled down a bit, and will be especially mindful of coordination.
Have a good climb!