Speaking of support, I had extra help which was extra helpful. Meant I could get more handups when needed and could drink and chuck bottles back so they could clean and refill.
I did get confused when Greg Melia was handing me a bottle. I didn't take it because I didn't recognise who it was until the last second. Had Gill and Derrick from Willesden come out and cheer for the last couple of hours which did give me a bit of a boost, at least until I was out of sight again and could coast and berate myself and pathetic lack of stamina.
Pish on not hitting 300, congrats on PB. The finishing circuit is a total biatch. I didn't realise there'd be no neutral support on the finishing circuit (I've only ever done 12s without support) and ended up spending 2 hours on it. In the end I had to stop at the HQ and run (OK, speed waddle) into the village hall to beg for a bidon of water.
How did you find the bumps on the northern circuit? Much swearing?