Arm chair thoughts so apologise if I'm teaching you how to suck eggs.
You could get a snack bag that goes on the front roll, stem bag or a fuel tank style bag for a bit of extra capacity but it probably won't go beyond snacks and gadgets.
You don't mention what tent, mat and bag you have. Could be good potential for an upgrade maybe. Moving the tent poles to the frame is definitely the way to go though.
Another alternative would be something like a Carradice style saddle bag, you can get pretty spacious ones. They might need a bag support but they attach and detach pretty easily (one bolt).
Bike packing dot com have kit lists and tend to specify how they've packed things, could help though they are mostly for "endurance racers".
https://bikepacking.com/plan/gear-lists.There's also many " how I've packed" type videos on YouTube you could look at. I like this one https://youtu.be/qIbF8h_IBzM
because it seems pretty down to earth, UK centric and budget friendly.
possibly, going to give it a go.
I have a bike with a rack that I commute on if I wanted to go down that route, but I just dont enjoy riding it as much, steel frame, extra weight of racks. Weight definitely makes a difference when you're 60kg yourself.
@MicroDosed™ Ive actually made a fair amount more space in the saddle bag by removing two of the support poles, I can strap them to the frame. Length was the issue. Bag should fit in there too now. Still a tight fit for everything else in the front.