Am really struggling at the moment. Not sure if it is that my ftp is too high and my rest was an aberration. Having moved to the build plan I am bailing on one in two of the over under workouts. Just keep hitting a wall of no energy. Even if I feel it coming and reduce the %age it’s too late.
Am contemplating reverting back to the base phase but using my current ftp. As keeping failing to complete workout sucks and destroys my motivation for the next time.
Am really struggling at the moment. Not sure if it is that my ftp is too high and my rest was an aberration. Having moved to the build plan I am bailing on one in two of the over under workouts. Just keep hitting a wall of no energy. Even if I feel it coming and reduce the %age it’s too late.
Am contemplating reverting back to the base phase but using my current ftp. As keeping failing to complete workout sucks and destroys my motivation for the next time.