I think most things will be moving to a USBC standard in the coming years so maybe try to pick one of those up to not render yours obsolete in a few years.
Always thought the problem with USB chargers built into sockets is the power they provide is pretty low. Might not be able to power a laptop (ok, this more a thing for an office than kitchen) as they're expecting ~60W+ chargers.
Why not get a pop up socket and then put a proper USB charger in one of the sockets - then as standards change you just change the charger.
I hear you, but it's a risk I'm happy to take , for a couple of reasons
USB-C is backwards compatible for basic functions - A USB-A to USB-C cable will fast charge a low powered USB device (a phone or a speaker, say), and possibly a tablet, which is all I need in the kitchen
I don't need it to power a laptop or gaming console, and I'm not using it for data transfer
If I do need the full USB-C power, I've a couple of 40W / 60W USB-C wall warts that will do the job.
All good points - Stone worktop, steel sink, ceramic floor tile*, new fridge freezer is a fairly standard size.
I'll be installing at least one pop-up socket in the island too.
* We'll just keep the existing tiles, which are fine for what they are, and easily replaced when I dig new plumbing in.