Yeah it's weird. Same shoes, which I've been using for the past year now. Both bikes SPD-SL. My last bike fit uncovered no leg length discrepancies.
Different saddles between the bikes though; TT bike has a Fabric TT saddle and road bike has an Aerocoach Axis saddle. The latter has little/no gooch channel so maybe I'm trapping an artery or nerve somewhere? Maybe I'll try a Fabric TT saddle on the road bike...
That's the only thing I could think of. But I have no idea about human anatomy so don't know if feet nerves travel near your butt. Nurse!
I get numb left leg (feet) on the TT bike but that's because I've done a naughty on myself with Iliac artery endofibrosis and some nerve damage. Hot tip kids, don't spend years of your life riding a TT bike up and down DCs.
There's definitely nerves running in front of the hip that might impact the feet - which is why it's a bit weird you get this on your road bike and not TT bike, but perhaps there are other nerves on the back side that can have the same impact?
Or maybe the different saddle causes a different pedaling technique and so the foot pressures are different somehow?
That's the opposite of what I have, which is good news for you although I don't know what would cause it. You're using the same shoes on both bikes? What pedals?