In a way that is totally unsurprising, the following is happening:
EWS1 forms are being completed at a rate of about 100 per month. However they are primarily being completed on the behalf of builders/housing associations for new developments where the freeholder has a vested interest in being able to sell their remaining properties. I guess at the point they sell them all the new draft bill then moves any responsibility for future repairs to the leaseholders. Den. Of. Cunts.
In a way that is totally unsurprising, the following is happening:
EWS1 forms are being completed at a rate of about 100 per month. However they are primarily being completed on the behalf of builders/housing associations for new developments where the freeholder has a vested interest in being able to sell their remaining properties. I guess at the point they sell them all the new draft bill then moves any responsibility for future repairs to the leaseholders. Den. Of. Cunts.