I've got this builder making me a fork, and since the available crowns were a little taller than the original one that came with the frame, he suggested to grind the underside of the crown in order to get the tire closer to the frame and thus achieve the geometry that was originally designed for the given frame. I wonder how safe is it to grind the material in that spot, and does it weaken the fork crown? Here are some images as an illustration. It's his actual work. He also mentioned that he actually cut of more material than shown in the picture.
I've got this builder making me a fork, and since the available crowns were a little taller than the original one that came with the frame, he suggested to grind the underside of the crown in order to get the tire closer to the frame and thus achieve the geometry that was originally designed for the given frame. I wonder how safe is it to grind the material in that spot, and does it weaken the fork crown? Here are some images as an illustration. It's his actual work. He also mentioned that he actually cut of more material than shown in the picture.
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