Pretty much,, we have a load of very stone, weed and stick riddled soil at the plot that needs grading, same in my garden that needs clearing before making it nice (plans still evolving). This should allow me to keep a lot of the good stuff and only shift out the crap.
There are a lot of designs kicking about that usually have a fully open end, but that requires a convoluted frame of finely aligned castors. I used two old 26" wheels with all but 8 spokes cut out which gives a couple of gaps just big enough to chuck a shovel of soil in. Plan to hook up an old crank and chain for slightly easier spinning. Still a two person job if you want to be really efficient though.
Here's a much more srs version with an electric motor and open end:
Is this some sort of high volume mares tail root sifter?
Dibs the plans if so!