Best not to talk about today.
Had a side wall cut 5km from my house and had to walk home.
Chain split after 25km on attempt 2.
And then my hasty repair of aforementioned side wall failed around Guildford. 50km, no real off-road at all. Much swear.
Try again next week. Or maybe I'll just go ride some trails. Probably the latter.
And there are barely any trains back to London.
Best not to talk about today.
Had a side wall cut 5km from my house and had to walk home.
Chain split after 25km on attempt 2.
And then my hasty repair of aforementioned side wall failed around Guildford. 50km, no real off-road at all. Much swear.
Try again next week. Or maybe I'll just go ride some trails. Probably the latter.
And there are barely any trains back to London.