24 days into this July accumulator and I'm pretty much over it. The specific amounts you have to run coupled with moving house and work are getting kinda tough at the sharp end. 86km Thur to Sun this week and then 99km Tues - Fri next week.
I regret ever saying I'd do this stupid accumulator and I'm sorry for suggesting it to you. I'm having a horrible time. Extreme stomach issues. Ripped a toenail off. Sprained ankle. Absolutely miserable. Going on holiday on 1 Aug and thinking of not taking any running shoes with me.
24 days into this July accumulator and I'm pretty much over it. The specific amounts you have to run coupled with moving house and work are getting kinda tough at the sharp end. 86km Thur to Sun this week and then 99km Tues - Fri next week.