I’m thinking to cut a hole in the shelf above in order to pour water in from above - is that stupid?
I'd be tempted to mount a sheet of wood onto drawer sliders on top of the worktop, so you can pull the setup out when you need to access the reservoir, and won't risk flooding that cupboard if you miss the spout, or having the water drip onto electrical items after the flood.
The more elegant version would be making that section of the worktop slide out, but that depends on the construction of the cabinets below, and what else is on the worktop out of shot.
So this is the coffee station in the new house - which in general is nice but the height of the cupboard above means that accessing the water reservoir for the Silvia is a ball ache. I’m thinking to cut a hole in the shelf above in order to pour water in from above - is that stupid? We will be replacing the kitchen at some point so probably a 18m-2y solution...
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