Out of interest, how do people’s 5 min power relate to their 10 min power.
Best I’ve ever done is 385 for 5 mins (turbo), but was looking back over my numbers and I have done 365 for over 10 mins (outside). Is this a inside vs outside thing? Or is it not unusual for 10 min power to be close to 5 min?
My 5 and 10 powers are actually pretty close. Probably because I don't often do short, hard intervals and the longest hill climbs I've done are more like 2min. So, err, yeah, that's not real helpful for you.
Out of interest, how do people’s 5 min power relate to their 10 min power.
Best I’ve ever done is 385 for 5 mins (turbo), but was looking back over my numbers and I have done 365 for over 10 mins (outside). Is this a inside vs outside thing? Or is it not unusual for 10 min power to be close to 5 min?