What platform is Treme on? I've still not seen it but hearing Wendell Pierce on Desert Island Discs made me want to.
I'd definitely recommend Little Fires Everywhere on Amazon Prime. I hadn't read the book first (though I wish I had because I don't like doing it the wrong way round) but it seems very timely despite being set in 1997, exploring structural racism, motherhood, family life. It's not groundbreaking but it's really well done.
What platform is Treme on? I've still not seen it but hearing Wendell Pierce on Desert Island Discs made me want to.
I'd definitely recommend Little Fires Everywhere on Amazon Prime. I hadn't read the book first (though I wish I had because I don't like doing it the wrong way round) but it seems very timely despite being set in 1997, exploring structural racism, motherhood, family life. It's not groundbreaking but it's really well done.