Robomower. 100%. Haven't mown the lawn once in a year and it's perfect.
Orbital Sander
Hose Pipe
Pressure Washer
Depends on how big your lawn is, really - AdvancedRotak 650 was the recommended mower for mine (~ 50ft garden, can be had for £200)
Orbital Sander
If you want to get more heavy duty sanding done, I’d get this:
https://www.zoro.co.uk/shop/power-tools/orbital-sanders/get-75-150-professional-heavy-duty-turbo-random-orbit-sander-240-v/p/ZT1257547X?utm_source=google&utm_campaign=pla%2B%7C%2BPower%20Tools&utm_term=ZT1257547X&utm_medium=pla_css_2&mkwid=-dm&pcrid=377670205568&pkw=&pmt=&prodid=ZT1257547X&slid=&pgrid=%7Bgroupid%7D&ptaid=pla-841956961412&gclid=CjwKCAjwx9_4BRAHEiwApAt0zqVkStKFDLnBO7T9GyeFBXuIDYGdihcI-tHdnj0JBOMbxstS_TGTNBoCFzcQAvD_BwE -
Pressure Washer
Karcher. If you want something smaller the K2 is good. Once you get one, remember that you need to refer to it as a Karcher not a pressure washer so people know you have one.
N00b question
Not unless you are using it as a strimmer. It will cut down anything that stands in it's path. You will need a hose to feed into the pressure washer anyway.
Hose pipe
+1 to Hozelock
Probably going against the grain and raison d'etre of the forum here, but your garden is under an acre right? Just get a 2nd hand Flymo and save the landfill. For a strimmer get the lightest thing you can. I picked up one for £8 from a boot sale and it’s brilliant. Light, takes up no space (32" tip to toe), and works. If you need a heavy duty one to clear stuff now rent a proper petrol one for the task.
I have the dewalt that soul linked which was an upgrade from a cheaper bosch green I had. I like it a lot. One thing to note is it has a stupid sized hose port so if you want to connect a dust extractor to it you need to get an adapter. Dust extraction is pretty good, (but it's no festool).
I'd sell mine and upgrade to a 6 inch festool if you want it.
Any reccos for the following:
Orbital Sander
Pressure Washer
Hose pipe
Can you tell I've moved into a new house?!