I've been battling with my washing machine today and I think it's won.
It's been stopping at the draining stage of a cycle and showing an error code. I've taken it apart, cleaned the pump and put it back together again, so I'm fairly confident there's no blockage in it (I removed three coins from the pump filter though).
If you put it on a Drain & Spin only cycle, it will drain and spin - so the pump does work. But at the end of a full programme you get the same error message.
I've been battling with my washing machine today and I think it's won.
It's been stopping at the draining stage of a cycle and showing an error code. I've taken it apart, cleaned the pump and put it back together again, so I'm fairly confident there's no blockage in it (I removed three coins from the pump filter though).
If you put it on a Drain & Spin only cycle, it will drain and spin - so the pump does work. But at the end of a full programme you get the same error message.
What's it's damn problem?