Late to the party but I've had duff bags on occassion from pretty much everyone YB/SqM etc where for some reason it would not behave itself at all and I'd be chasing the grind all over the show. then that bag would run out and the next one would be rock solid again.
I switched away from Red Brick when they changed the blend a couple years back and I didnt like it as much and have been sticking with the Yellow Bourbon since but there was a time when I had a run of literal months where red brick only ever needed one or two notches of micro adjustment to produce a shot bang on the money. the consistency was incredible so long as I consumed it at a regular pace and didn't let it get too stale.
I’ve been through two bags of YB espresso beans on a Sage smart grinder pro /Gaggia Classic and I cannot get a shot to behave itself.
Even cranking it down to grind size 4 and a large-ish dose it just gushes through. Switched to a bag of Red Brick and everything is spot on with grind set at 8 same as previous bags of RB.
Are light espresso roasts problematic on mid range domestic kit?