I bought one when they still had size small.
It's lovely, but to be fair, it's not the same as a 'real' french or Tunisian Look. Even down to the box it comes in, user manual, etc. However, good tubeset and they're quite rare in the UK. Theres a beaut one of the pre release chrome lugged versions for sale on the forum - same frame but way more special, for a price you couldn't build if you could ever find a frame. If you're a large I'd go for that (and presuming it hasn't sold)
https://www.wiggle.co.uk/look-ac-364-heritage-frameset/?lang=en&curr=GBP&dest=1&sku=103990789&kpid=103990789&utm_source=google&utm_term=&utm_campaign=Shopping+-+All+Products&utm_medium=base&utm_content=mckv%7Csy2ZSDmda_dm%7Cmcrid%7C295292317327%7Cmkw%7C%7Cmmt%7C%7Cmrd%7C103990789uk%7Cmslid%7C%7C&mkwid=sy2ZSDmda_dm&pcrid=295292317327&prd=103990789uk&pgrid=58852352866&ptaid=pla-863076999813&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9b_4BRCMARIsADMUIyoVBYAYFsy0oBF_sJ-5XFcHSvreUSX13-PLOdGv-u3seFvixy4cu7caAly_EALw_wcB just saw this, would have had one if they had my size...