Cheap =/= Value. I think you'd need a particular set of circumstances for it to = Value. I am fortunate enough that I've had a good job in London and own my flat here. If I had never left NI, then that house would be unattainable for me. As it stands for me now, I could probably move there and be mortgage free before I'm 40. Also, my company having an office in Belfast makes it even better, for me.
That particular location is a bit shit too to be honest. Unless you want to live slightly isolated and next to the "sea" (it's a tidal inlet, albeit a pretty big one). The nearest town is close, but it's shit. If we are going to be in long and protracted periods of lockdown, then that house is perfect. The outbuilding could be converted to an annex and family could come and visit in responsible manner, etc. Plus, treehouses for mini_com.
The temptation;