• Band? This is the worst band ever....

    Right to left: Stella, lead vocals and hissy fits; Beamish, bass and background mumbling; Boddington, lead guitar and hairstyle; Murphy, one of nature's drummers.

    I give you THE TWATS!

    1 Attachment

    • 20180919_164025.jpg
  • Our dogs are so rarely called by their own names, instead they are called the ginger idiots, morons, cunts (only ever as a term of endearment). The boy is often referred to as gooby, goobz, big stupid or son whereas the girl is called (pure form) evil, little stupid or the girl. They are utterly the centre of our world, we moved out of london to improve their quality of life.

    Would not recommend viszlas to anyone who can’t devote a lot of time to their dogs. Known for terrible separation anxiety, ours tend to be left alone for about 3 hours max (though during daytime we’d arrange a visit or walk). One of our neighbours was a vet nurse, but had to give up her career when she got a viszla who would stop breathing due to anxiety if left on his own. Thankfully she took up dog walking and dog sitting and she fully understands and appreciates this every needy breeds idiosyncrasies and is able to help us out with ours.

  • I'm in! Reckon I'll be a perfect fit...
