Looking into 1x11 for a new build and I've been reading up on GRX RX810. It looks good, but wanted to find out what people were running and to get some feedback before I buy.
Also, I want to keep my current wheel set, a pair of XR31T's built onto Hope RS4 Centrelock disc hubs. Will I have any issues running something like 11-42 on those?
If you want to run 1x there isn't a lot of choice. I run SRAM Apex 1 just because it came on the bike and still not fell apart and I hate the big swoop shifting action in Shimano. GRX 810 seems like a solid choice, but if you do lots of road miles 1x could feel limiting.
Thanks for this. I’m slightly in two minds about the 1x, but leaning that way at the moment. I like the idea of keeping things simple and this bike won’t be used for long road miles.
Looking into 1x11 for a new build and I've been reading up on GRX RX810. It looks good, but wanted to find out what people were running and to get some feedback before I buy.
Also, I want to keep my current wheel set, a pair of XR31T's built onto Hope RS4 Centrelock disc hubs. Will I have any issues running something like 11-42 on those?