Suppose when you say ‘European’ the book on the Alps don’t have to be a Buddhist meditation?
Rereading Bruce Chatwins ‘In Patagonia’ after I saw Herzog’s ‘Nomad’. Maybe not exactly ’wild’, and it’s not the Alps but the Cordilleras; however Chatwin does have a rucksack, and writes about a walk in an on his mind playing fierce wind in this book.
yes, totally. The Buddhist thing's not really a great interest of mine, though I know it is of snyder. I guess I just fancied something to get the dreams going while I stay in the UK this year.
Sounds good, thank you for the reccomendation.
Edit: wow, great reccomendation - love the Eileen Gray link, art background, and that it was edited in Paul Kasmin's flat. Ordered, and really look forward to that. thank you
I'd like some reccomendations for wilderness reading - I enjoyed Gary Snyder The Practice of the Wild last year, and fancied reading something similar. Does anyone have any reccomendations - perhaps something European. Is there a great book on the Alps?