I used to teach Taekwondo (and take part) 3 times a week for 2h pre lockdown, in addition to a couple of hours cycling before lockdown so used to managing leg/body fatigue.
I decided to do 2 x 4 week FTP booster on Zwift, instead of Traineroad, due to wanting to plan for 1 month blocks rather than 6 weeks on Traineroad.
The 4w ftp booster workouts were not so hard, slightly shorter intervals than your typical 2x10, 2x20 at sweetspot/threshold, but spreading them over 6 days.
Around 1h so possible to complete fasted, but a few I planned to do post lunch and fueled if I thought they would be harder. Also Ramp tests were done fully fueled.Typical day was 2200-2300kcals, 800-900kcals in the main meals, 400kcals in snacks in between. Had a fair few cheat days in between, probably linked to body fatigue. IF stopped monster all day cheat days.
Start: 76.7kg 253w ftp
Month 1: 72kg 273w ftp
Month 2: 69kg 295w ftp
Month 3: Hoping for 67/68 and 300w+Off to France for a month soon, where it will be nice roads, interspersed with 1-3m climbs everywhere and bread and cheese, so don’t expect to lose any more weight, but should be good to boost anaerobic and vo2.
Sounds a lot like @cjr’s approach to (successful) weight loss. 6 times a week though!? I’ve been struggling with 1:15 three times a week. I am at the pointy end of sustained power build though so probably the hardest workouts I’ll be doing all year. 1000kcal workouts straight out of bed are pretty brutal 😑